Saturday, October 13, 2012

Write it down

advice comes from Jane Wurwand, CEO of Dermologica via Entrepreneur:
"I try and stay curious all the time so when I’m driving around LA or whatever city I’m in I’m always trying to pay attention to everything that’s happening — the way a menu is written, the way a plate is served, the way a booking is taken or customer interaction."
Wurwand recommends carrying a notebook everywhere you go and writing literally everything down.
She says she keeps a running commentary of her stream of consciousness and then uses it when she is looking for ideas or product names. She recalls one instance when she went to a bar and it took her seven minutes to be seated because a girl working at the bar was on her phone. She wrote that down and it later reminded her to pay more attention to customer service at her own front desk operations.
“Gather thoughts a bit like a magpie, put them together in a written book, keep it on you at all times and then all the time your subconscious is working on it and chewing it. Then when you spit it out, you’re like 'Oh I like that idea!' ”

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