Monday, October 1, 2012

Website Tweaks

The references for webcopy are many, and not sure where this one came from.  Again from random notes on my desk that I'm plowing through.

A joke
A quote
A statistic
A headline
A name
Solutions to real problems.  Benefits not features
An easier life
Paint a living portrait
Get testimonials, add a P.S.
Be visually atractive, short paragraphs, dialogue when appropriate, bullet, wide margins, staggered Right margin
"Most writers slough off the most important part of their trade, editing their stuff, honing it and honing it until it gets an edge like a bullfighters killing sword."
"Cut off their heads, cut off their feet, delete every 6th word.  Readers want concise, simple writing." Elmore Leonard "I try to leave out the part people skip."
Read aloud. Read aloud yourself. Hypnotic writing has to be easy, simple and clear.
Take a break.  Cut and past and change the order.  Use bullets.  Use quotes.  Write stories, create mental images that lead to a waking trance.

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