Monday, July 16, 2012

Resiliency and Risk

 Another excerpt from the same blog post:

Today's world is full of change and unpredictable disruption. Unless you take frequent, contained risks, you are setting yourself up for a major dislocation at some point in the future. Inoculating yourself to big risks requires taking small, regular risks—it’s like doing controlled burns in a forest. By introducing regular volatility into your career, you make surprise survivable. You gain “the ability to absorb shocks gracefully.” You become resilient as you take risks and pursue opportunities.

In my profession as an MD acupuncturist, I frame the intervention of acupuncture as a series of micro shocks or micro perturbations to the body.  In giving these micro shocks, it seems to make the body studier and more resilient, better to withstand allergens or migraine triggers.  It is, of course, much more complicated than that, but the concept of resiliency is pivotal.

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