Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More books


Defining your own work

Michael Coté, Dell

Title: Director of cloud strategy and special programs 
Twitter: @cote
# Of Followers: 6,629
Profound Recent Tweet: “When you’re a kid, you have to work within the constraints given. “Being an adult” means you redefine them.”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/23-enterprise-it-people-you-should-follow-2013-5?op=1#ixzz2UaqmhDRv

Distractions: Lethal

I think this says it all.  She echoes Pressfield, who calls fighting the resistance, "a fight to the death."
Twitter: @VanessaAlvarez1

Profound Recent Tweet: "Distractions, no matter how pleasurable, can be lethal. The faster you eliminate them, the better."

Vanessa Alvarez, Scale Computing

Friday, May 10, 2013

Priorities and Living by Design

(I knew it had been awhile since I last posted, but, wow, didn't realize it had been this long. Not that I haven't picked up lots of ideas during recent travels and writing. Time, time, time...)
Focus on Time Efficiency
Prioritization is a key component of success. You can't reach your pinnacle if you are wasting time on distractions. Integration of activities frees up time for greater achievement. Spend your time on activities that are fun, enlightening and productive and soon you'll have gained hours to reap the benefits of success.
Ultimately, really successful people live their lives by design instead of default, so if you want to be one of them, dedicate time and effort to determining the plan for your preferred future and execute that plan in a focused and consistent manner.